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Megan Thomas

I LOVED being part of this group and want to keep participating in any opportunities to play together.


Jennie Greene

The Family Jam approach is ideal for those looking to play music in a fun, supportive, collaborative, multi-generational community.  If you enjoy playing music with others in a casual, fun, supportive environment - with just enough structure to keep things organized and keep everyone learning - Family Jam is for you!


Peyton Fleming

Family Jam was amazing at so many levels - bringing people together, fostering “community” and nurturing “live” music by young and old alike. The fact that these gatherings were happening during the winter doldrums made it all the better. Thank you!


Sharon Broder

Family Jam was just what my nine-year-old son and I needed: a way to connect and be playful together in a new way. Since I didn't think of myself as a musician, I showed up at the first rehearsal expecting just to sing background vocals. But someone handed me a ukelele and said, "It's just three chords! We'll teach you." My son learned to play the melodica and I learned to the play the uke, and suddenly our family has a whole new story and a new way of having fun together.


Sheel Saxena

My goal was not just for me to play, but to introduce my kids to music in a comfortable environment where they could meet other families, learn a new instrument, and perform in front of their family and friends. I would definitely be interested in doing it again in the fall!


Ripley Foster (Rising 6th grader)

I love playing the ukulele now.  I am excited to take it for orchestra next year.


Foster Family: Dad (harmonica), Mom (guitar)

Practicing at home before PorchFest was some of our favorite time.  The three of us had made so much progress and we were our own little trio rocking out!  We are excited to have some songs we all know that we may play together. We also want to come back and do this some more!

Testimonials 2018

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